
Public Talk: Can the Human Eye Detect Quantum Light?

Quantum physics can be “seen” as a different approach from classical physics to observe the reality around us and within us and to study the mechanism involved. Although the quantum perspective has been related to the field of biology since the previous century, notably in the book of E. Schrödinger entitled, “What is Life?” only more recently physicists have started demonstrating further enthusiasm in the cross-pollination of quantum mechanics and biological processes such as photosynthesis, bird navigation, cognition and vision.


Can the human eye detect quantum light? Is it possible to create some quantum states of light that could be more efficiently detected?


In this talk, we will present one of the current projects of our QuEST Group at Koç University which focus on Quantum Vision and whose aim is to answer such research questions and more. A few candidates of quantum light are considered namely thermal light, coherent light and Fock states. With the help of interferometry schemes, we study squeezed and entangled light. In a later stage neural network-based machine learning will help us for studying large-scale retina models with different cells and layers. Overall, various tools of quantum information theory and quantum metrology are employed as an attempt to unveil the mysteries of the visual system. Finally, we will conclude with plausible applications such as quantum pupillometry and biometrics in emerging technology that may be beneficial to the field of medical physics.


The meeting information is given below:

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Meeting ID: 274 591 1661
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